There are many ways you can come into contact with asbestos during your working life. Below are some of the more common occupations associated with exposure to asbestos.
If you have had employment for any period of time with any company undertaking work of the type listed below and are starting to suffer from breathlessness you should seek medical advice straight away explaining your occupation and possible exposure to asbestos to your doctor. It will then be important to seek legal advice from a specialist asbestos lawyer.
Common Occupations subjected to exposure to asbestos include:-
Insulation engineers
Demolition workers
Asbestos manufacture workers
Roofing contractors
Shipyard workers
Construction workers
Gas safety engineers
Fabrication workers
In addition, you can suffer from second hand exposure to asbestos if you have lived with someone who worked regularly with asbestos and you washed their clothes or shared a room with that person.
For further information or for a free, no obligation discussion please contact 028 9024 3901 or contact us online using the contact us form.