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We have a long-standing reputation for acting on behalf of clients in High Asset Value divorce cases. These cases often involve highly complex legal and commercial issues that require expert legal representation and advice.

Often in high net worth divorces, assets are held in complex structures such as Trusts or business entities that present unique difficulties.  We can quickly engage leading and specialist forensic accountants, actuaries and valuers to work with us in valuing a family’s financial assets. Our long-standing relationships with such experts, including leading barristers and Queens Counsel, ensures that every client navigating this highly complex area of law obtains specialist advice at the earliest stage. 

We offer creative, results-driven divorce representation focused on preserving, securing and safeguarding your assets, to include:

  • Matrimonial Agreements and complex financial settlements.
  • Ancillary Relief proceedings.
  • Financial Injunction proceedings to protect against dissipation of assets.
  • Division of property and Trust assets.
  • International assets.
  • Division of business assets, including complex company structures and shareholdings.
  • Pension provision.
  • Discovery of hidden assets.
  • Spousal and child maintenance.

We are strategic litigators and negotiators who provide comprehensive and practical legal advice on each client’s financial position, bespoke to their specific needs.

To arrange a consultation to discuss matters regarding divorce or separation, please contact us on 028 9024 3901 or email us confidentially at