Make a Claim Now

Cases involving a serious injury can be incredibly complex and so it is vital that an injured person or their family instruct the right team of legal experts who have experience in dealing with these highly specialist cases.   There is only one opportunity to obtain an award of  compensation.  

It is therefore important that an injured party is confident in their legal representative’s ability to achieve a maximum level of compensation on their behalf.   

At any stage in the claims process, an injured party may be unhappy with how their case is being dealt with or have concerns that the process is being managed by a solicitor who lacks the requisite experience.  Perhaps they have lost trust in their solicitor having been given poor or inaccurate advice. Alternatively, there may be issues with communication that are causing frustrations.  Whatever the reason, an injured party is entitled to seek alternative legal representation should they wish to do so.   

Should you wish to discuss a possible transfer of your case, we can provide you with a free consultation with one of our specialist lawyers.  For further information, call us on 028 9024 3901 or email